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Is this abandoned?


yeah, it seems like it. They haven't touched it since 2022


Ah that's a real shame.

sorry i know this is like rlly late but i checked their tumblr and they last posted feb this year saying that theyre on hiatus but theres a huge possibility that they wont return to this 


is the chracter we play as trans or something? I was just wondering not to be rude or anything i was just wondering


they can be if you want too the MCs gender is customizable 

i was just wondering bc of that like body question if you get what i mean? Bc some hade the option like something top surgery

oh yeah for sure I can see how that can be confusing for some

Do you think you can make an option thats like "you looked down at your thighs  and stomache and felt insecure because you felt like there were too chubby" or somehing like that? if not thats okey ( kinda talking about own experince about my own body)    

So based on your reply asking me to possibly make this Im sorry to say that I'm not the creator of this IF sorry pookie


Bruh the cliffhanger almost ended me 💀


aaaaa no wayyy, not again. I seriously need to double check any IF i read next time before dive into it, so i won't be stuck in a cliffhanger:( anywaaaaayyyy, this is sooooo goood! i loved it sooo much, keep up the good work.

please come back soon:')


Pls come back dawg....


i knew i should've listened to those comments and not read it, BUT I DID AND NOW I NEED MOREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE


just checked the author's tumblr and it seems like we might get an update or some sort on January!




That was two years ago, unfortunately.


Gonna listen to the comments and not read this one. Still, it looks promising so I'll give the author a follow for now; hope they are okay...

still such a good read even if its not getting n update,, ill always check anyways though


c'mon!!! I want to keep playing it!!! please bring chapter 3 or isekai me there right now!!! =P


dang after reading the comments i KNEW i shouldn't have played. i gave in and now i'm upset :')

(1 edit) (+3)

I did the exact same and now I'm devastated, should've just listened 

(2 edits) (+2)

Is this IF abandoned/dropped or is it still being worked on?

I wanna know cause i haven't read it yet but if i do i will be coming back every month maybe even week to see an update and well...If it's no longer worked on i will be coming to see if it's updated or just to replay it for years XD :,)

(Just done reading it and i love the story and writing)


"Development log

  • Chapter 2 Release Aug 09, 2022"

The last update was two years ago

unfortunately T-T


I feel like a desperate ex every time I come back to check on this project


Dead project


this was the first if i read <3 praying this will be updated one day


This is so good, I'm excited to find out how it continues! Good job!


Did the author join the dreaded numbers?


heres hoping, even if its been 2 years on the dot since the last update, hope your alright


*sigh*, this was so good. had so much potential (especially the ro's). 

still waiting on a miracle.


So how are all of you on chat doing? Waiting since 2022 for updates.


Is anyone else having a problem with the music? I can't hear the bg music on my device for some reason??

Love it❤👍

(1 edit)

did you give up on making this


i literally played this over a year ago and still think about it and wait for an update :( hope ur okay author <3


Hope the author's okay :/


I miss something that doesnt even exist. Pls continue this authoer ;-;


i just finished reading this and i have 2 things to say

1. guys i want sage



i dont care how long i gotta wait for another chapter!!! im gonna hold onto this forever T3T i hope you're okaayyy Lin!!!!!!!!


Hey Lin are you doing alright? Hoping you are. I don't mind if you take a break from making this, I just want to make sure you're okay. or if you lost your password or just no longer feel like making this story anymore.


Sometimes i go back to check on this to see the comment's state, yall are holding on fr


real (i love it sm)


I have been waiting for a year and half for the third chapter, and I'll keep waiting 🫡


checking this masterpiece again and again 


big real


I want to play it so badly, but- Maybe it's a liiitle abandonateddd...? (Idk how to spell-)

Andd... I don't want to happen again just like with the Number Game and well- But I want to play it, soo... 

I feel like I'm gonna regret it

got invested than i was got.NNOOOOOOO

Deleted post

Got too invested like the other readers despite knowing its status 😔🤡 The same with the author’s other work, a real gem and a good read but well, abandoned for years now. Anyway, I do love the possible (?) eventual angst from the ROs, like Roan for example.


Nothing from them on their blog or here since October 2022.  I hope they are okay.


this game is more supportive then my parents wtf

(1 edit) (+1)



Back to check the post again like a clingy ex. I need Riven biblically!

Deleted 288 days ago

hey no offense but this is a really awful thing to say to an author???? presuming you hope that they read this?


Hey buddy don't fucking do that?? that's literally disrespectful to the author 

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